
Sponsor Gavin

Sponsor Gavin

Our Price:  £15.00

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We have chosen Gavin to represent the cats on the sanctuary as he has become a favourite among the staff, being very friendly and never straying far from the staff room. Gavin has his own house to sleep in and spends most of his day roaming the sanctuary but at lunch times and at the end of the day he likes to be in and around the staff room for a cuddle before the staff go home.

Gavin came to the sanctuary in December 2016 as a young kitten with his two brothers Garfield and Gareth. When they arrived, they were very shy and frightened as you would expect feral kittens to be. 

The report from the cattery once they had been settled there was:
Came in as feral kittens - we couldn’t get near them to begin with but being in the cattery for a while they have mellowed and don’t panic as much when you go into their room and don’t rush outside like they used to. They will need lots and lots of time and patience and be taken at their own pace. If offered a home, they will probably hide up for weeks to start with.

It took quite a time before Gavin and his brothers were able to be rehomed, in fact about eighteen months. All three brothers eventually went to live with a lady who wanted shy cats that she could work with but unfortunately it didn’t work out, so they came back.

We slowly released the cats to live free roam at the sanctuary and since then have been of a totally different temperament - friendly and just happy to be here. The problem is they are alike so we will have to point out, when you come to visit Gavin, how his markings are slightly different.


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